With winter on its way, it is a good time to focus on your landscape’s health. To have a healthy plant season next spring, pay attention to your plant’s health now. Utilizing the services of a landscape company can almost guarantee a vibrant spring.
Protect Plants and Shrubs
We have many ways to protect your plants and shrubs from the elements. One trick that we love to share is how shredded leaves can be used to protect the roots of fragile trees. All you have to do is lay the leaves around the tree. Other methods for protecting your plants include wrapping the shrubs in burlap and hiding small plants under pots.
Plant New Trees and Shrubs
In the fall, don’t be afraid to have new trees or shrubs planted in your yard. Cold weather isn’t as stressful on younger plants. They will have an easier time growing in the winter. Also, most nurseries have sales this time of year. If you supply the plants, we can help you design the landscape.
Mulch Before Winter
Mulch is used to retain moisture. You spread it around the plants to protect the roots when it freezes over. Hardwood shredded mulch is the most popular and all you need is about two to three inches to protect your shrubs.
Prune Shrubs and Trees and Cut Perennials
As your flowers begin to fade, you can cut the flower stem below the bloom. This is known as deadheading. Also, make sure to cut back on ornamental grasses and to trim any perennials. If you have hydrangeas, do not remove the stalks. Sometimes the stalks will look dead, but they will still bloom in the spring.
No matter the time of year, your lawn deserves to thrive. At Heritage Landscape, we provide lawn care, landscaping, irrigation, and turf management to residential and commercial properties. Call 816-307-2004 or email us today to learn more!