Good landscaping is not only about curb appeal. While a pleasant and professional landscape can make your property more appealing to clients, there are also health benefits that you may be unaware of. At Heritage Landscape, we understand the importance of people’s connection to nature. We can help you bring health and happiness to your company with the aid of professional landscaping.
Reduced Blood Pressure
High blood pressure is a struggle for a lot of people. At work, there are sometimes perfect storms that may raise your blood pressure to unhealthy levels. Just the presence of shrubbery and other trees and lower your blood pressure. If you have ever had the urge to go for a walk outside when you feel upset or frustrated, you already know the power of being outside in nature. When you are outside, your body fights against high blood pressure levels.
Reduced Stress Level
Studies have shown that green space and landscaping calm us and reduce our stress. Everyone knows that the stress from work can, at times, be overwhelming. If you have deadlines approaching, important presentations, or meetings to prepare for, you may find it difficult to breathe in your office. As you walk outside, however, nature has a way of slowing the heart rate and increasing cortisol levels. A walk through the property may help you feel more at peace and relaxed.
Reduced Recovery Time
Exposure to nature contributes to your overall physical wellbeing. While the fragrant plants and flowers may ease the mind and aid in relaxation, the general atmosphere can reduce healing time after an injury or illness.
If you want to see real change in your mental and physical health, along with the health of your staff, you should consider adding nature to your commercial property. Landscaping is an important way to make your staff and guests feel comfortable. To find out how we can help, contact us at Heritage Landscape today!